Everything you didn't know about children and car seats

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    Everything you didn't know about children and car seats

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar

    What is important to know when it comes to child car seats, installation and safety? In this article, we go through everything you want and need to know!

    What are the most common mistakes parents make with child car seats?

    Many people turn the car seat forward too quickly, often because the child is unhappy facing backwards. This should always be delayed until the child is at least 4-5 years old, because at a younger age the head is still large in proportion to the body. This can lead to much greater stress on the neck in the event of a collision, and worse injuries to the body as some parts have not quite grown together properly and cannot withstand the pressure.

    What to consider about the height and weight of children in car seats?

    Always use a car seat that is specifically adapted to the child's size and weight. As a rule, when the ears are at the top edge of the seat, it's time to change. The same applies to the infant carrier, which is usually replaced between 9-12 months. If you have a tall child, the infant carrier may need to be replaced earlier.

    How do you know that the child car seat is correctly installed in the car?

    Always install the child seat according to the manufacturer's instructions. There is often a video on YouTube that a retailer has made for instructions on installation for your particular car seat. You can also contact the retailer and ask them to show you how to install the seat to ensure that your child is sitting safely and correctly. You should also be aware that not all child car seats fit in all cars. For example, in some car models the belts are too short, so a tip when it's time to buy a car seat is to take the car with you and try it out on site.

    How should you think about the belt, so that it is not too tight or too loose?

    As a rule, you should not be afraid to tighten the belt as long as the child does not protest and can move. Both the child and the belt should be positioned like an adult, i.e. the belt should not sit too close to the neck, ride up over the face or sit too far down towards the shoulder.

    Where should children be placed in the car?

    There is older data on where in the car the least injuries occur in a collision and it has been concluded that the rear center seat is the safest. However, it is not very practical to put the child seat there. The most important thing in the event of a collision, however, is not the position of the car seat at all, but that the child is sitting rear-facing.

    If the child is placed in the front, you must deactivate the airbag. Newer car models have a button or key so you can easily both activate and deactivate the airbag, while older car models may need the help of an authorized workshop.

    What applies if you travel by car within Europe?

    Different countries have different height limits for switching from a car seat to a booster seat. For example, Germany and Switzerland require the child to be at least 150 cm tall, while Sweden has a limit of 135 cm (140 cm in front of an activated airbag). So this is a good thing to check before traveling.

    How long does a car seat last?

    The car seat has a limited lifespan and lasts for about 10 years. However, strong sunlight reduces the lifespan as the plastic becomes dry and brittle, so cover it with a blanket or similar to prevent it from being exposed to direct sunlight.

    What does the insurance cover in the unlikely event of an accident?

    The most important thing to know after any major collision is that the car seat must always be replaced. A severe collision means some form of violence in the collision. The vast majority of insurance companies cover damaged car seats, so contact your insurance company for instructions on how to proceed. Then make sure that the damaged car seat is disposed of. This can be done by cutting the belts and taking them to a collection point.

    Child insurance - in the unlikely event of an accident

    We cannot protect children from everything, but we can do our best to give them the safe environment they deserve. And no matter how carefully we prepare, accidents can always happen. That's why it's so important that your child is properly insured. With Länsförsäkringar's Child insurance your child will be covered for both accidental injuries and illnesses.

    Want to read more about children?


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