This is what child insurance with Länsförsäkringar provides

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    This is what child insurance with Länsförsäkringar provides

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar

    We recommend that all parents take out a child insurance as soon as possible after the baby is born to get the best protection possible (preferably in the doorway out of the maternity ward!). In this article, we give two examples of why your baby should have a child insurance and how it is calculated.

    In child insurance is an important insurance for your child's financial security if something happens and should be taken out as early as possible. It can be difficult to know what a child insurance policy can cover if your child has an accident or falls ill. To help you understand what support and security a child insurance policy with Länsförsäkringar can provide, we have listed two clear examples below.

    How your child insurance with Länsförsäkringar helps you

    Example 1 - Diabetes

    A 9-year-old boy is urgently admitted to hospital for treatment and it turns out that he has type 1 diabetes. The boy stays in hospital for 11 days, but before he can go back to school, he needs continued care from his parents at home. The Social Insurance Agency grants the boy's parents a quarter of the care allowance for three years. Diabetes is a disease that the boy will have for the rest of his life, i.e. a permanent disability that allows for a medical disability benefit of 15%.

    How is a medical disability calculated?

    It may take a few years to establish the degree of disability. The number of years varies depending on the disease. The basic principle is that the person should be at a stage where the disease is neither getting better nor worse. Based on this stage and the individual's condition, medical experts assess the impact on daily life. Medical disability is assessed in percentages.

    This is how it works:

    Compensation for medical invalidity is calculated on the amount of insurance chosen. A price base amount is a value that is set annually by the government and follows price developments in society. This means that our compensation is indexed annually.

    The boy's sum insured is 40 PBB (PBB = price base amount), i.e. SEK 1 932 000, resulting in a total compensation of 383 552 kr. The compensation is completely tax-free.

    This is how much is paid out:

    • Emergency care allowance 725 kr
    • Hospital stay 11 days 6 376 kr
    • Care at home 12 days 6 956 kr
    • Medical disability 289 800 kr
    • Carer's allowance 79 695 kr

    Total 383 552 kr

    Read more about child insurance and what the different the amounts of insurance means here.

    Sign a child insurance Here.

    The amounts are calculated on the basis of the price base amount for 2022 at Länsförsäkringar which is SEK 48 300.

    Example 2 - Concussion and wrist fracture

    A 2-year-old girl falls out of a swing and hits her head on the steel swing set. At the same time, she injures her wrist in the fall. The girl's glasses break and there is a large tear in her overalls. The parents go to the emergency room and the girl is hospitalized with a broken wrist and a concussion. She recovers quickly from the concussion but the wrist fracture results in a medical disability of 3%.

    This is how it works:

    The compensation for medical disability is calculated on the selected sum insured, which in this case is 50 PBB, i.e. SEK 2 415 000. The compensation is tax-free and on a total 77 383 kr.

    This is how much is paid out:

    • Medical travel 48 kr
    • Emergency care allowance 725 kr
    • Hospitalization 2 days 1 160 kr
    • Reimbursement for glasses and clothing 3 000 kr
    • Medical disability 72 450 kr

    Total 77 383 kr

    The amounts are calculated based on the price base amount for 2022 at Länsförsäkringar, which is SEK 48,300.


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