First teeth: a guide for parents

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    First teeth: a guide for parents

    Children usually start to get their first teeth between 4 and 7 months, but this can vary. Some babies can get their teeth as early as 3 months while others may not get them until after their first birthday! In this guide, we have summarized all the overall facts about children and teeth.

    Teething is an exciting but sometimes challenging period for children. Here is everything you need to know about the first teeth and how you can alleviate the discomfort that can come with teething.

    When do children get their first teeth?

    Most children get their first teeth between 4-7 months, but they can come both earlier and later! The first teeth to erupt are usually the lower front teeth, followed by the upper front teeth. By around 1 year of age, most children will have several of their first teeth. After the front teeth, the teeth next to them are usually the ones that come up and then it continues out towards the larger teeth at the back of the mouth. By the age of 3, most children have their full set of 20 milk teeth.

    Signals that teeth are coming in

    There are several signs that your child is teething. These include increased saliva production, gum rubbing, gnawing on objects and fever. Children may also become a little more irritable than usual and have difficulty sleeping at night. In addition, cheeks and gums may become red and swollen - a clear sign that teeth are cracking open!

    Tips for relieving symptoms

    Many children are affected by tooth cracking and as a parent, all you want to do is help. Sometimes nothing helps, but here are some of the things that can help your little one through the worst of the pain!

    1. Refrigerated teething rings

    A cold teether can provide a nice relief on the gums. However, avoid freezing them completely, as this can damage the gums!

    2. massaging the gums

    Use a clean finger or a moistened small towel to gently massage the gums.

    3. Gel against tooth cracking

    There are different types of tooth cracking gel that can provide temporary relief. Ask at your pharmacy for help!

    4. Chilled foods

    If your child has started eating food, cold foods can help. Try offering some yogurt, applesauce or other cold food that feels good in the mouth.

    5. Taste button

    A frozen or chilled fruit snack is usually a hit when the little ones are teething! Examples include frozen mango or chilled apple.

    6. breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding can often have a calming effect during teething.

    7. pharmaceuticals

    If your child seems to be in a lot of pain, you can consult a pediatrician about the use of painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

    Things to consider during tooth cracking

    When young children have their first teeth, it is important to keep their mouth clean. Gently wipe the gums with a damp, soft cloth daily. When the teeth start to emerge, brush them gently with a small, soft toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride-free toothpaste.

    Getting their first teeth is a major milestone for your child. By paying attention to the signs and helping to ease the discomfort, you can make this period as smooth as possible for both you and your child. Good luck to you!

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