Baby food from 8 months

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S:t Eriks BVC

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    Baby food from 8 months

    Verified by

    S:t Eriks BVC

    Gradually, you will notice that your child becomes more and more interested in food. Then you can move from tasting portions to small meals instead. In this article we will guide you!

    When the baby wants larger tasting portions, gradually increase the amounts to small meals. Breast milk or formula still contains much of the nutrition your baby needs, so there is no rush to switch to regular food at all meals. Let your baby's interest in food set the pace! Eventually, at 10 to 12 months, your baby will need two main meals a day and some snacks in between.

    Baby food from 8 months

    At this age, food only needs to be roughly chopped with a knife or grated using a grater or food processor. You can also give slightly larger pieces that the child can hold in their hand.

    Breakfast, snack and evening meal:

    Breast milk, formula, porridge, gruel, preferably in a cup, or a sandwich are good breakfasts, snacks and evening meals. Serve with some fruit, berries or vegetables.

    Lunch and dinner

    Let potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, bulgur or similar be the base of the meal together with root vegetables and vegetables. Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, beans, lentils or tofu complete the meal. Finish off with some fruit or berries. Fruit and berries contain vitamins, including vitamin C, which helps the child absorb the iron in the food.

    Keep introducing new flavors and textures so that your child gets used to many different types of food. It may be easier to absorb a new taste if it is served with food that the child already likes.
    If you are not used to cooking or are unsure whether you can prepare food that provides your child with enough nutrition, you may find it easier to give canned baby food. There's nothing wrong with canned food, but it can be expensive to always buy ready-made food. It doesn't have to be difficult to make homemade food either. For example, use some of your family's food, but don't add salt, as too much salt can raise blood pressure. Read more about salt in the section "Should children under 1 year old avoid it?".

    How much food does a baby need at 8 months?

    The child feels how much food they need. At some meals, the child will eat a little less food, but will naturally compensate by eating more at another meal. Over a longer period of time, children usually get enough food. Therefore, as long as your child is growing and developing normally, you do not need to worry.

    Young children cannot eat large amounts of food and therefore need to eat more often than adults. Regular mealtimes make it easier for children to get the amount of food they need. A good meal pattern might be breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a few snacks in between.

    Children under the age of two need a little more fat than adults, because they grow so fast. For homemade food, a teaspoon of liquid margarine or oil, preferably rapeseed oil, per portion is fine, unless the dish already contains fat. Ready-made baby food already contains enough fat, so no extra is needed.

    Iron is an essential nutrient that young children have difficulty getting enough of. Because they grow so fast, they need almost as much iron as a grown man. But young children can't eat as much as an adult, so they need food that has been fortified with iron.


    Want to read more about dietary advice for children aged 1-2? Click here to read more!

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