From pregnancy to child insurance in a flash

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    From pregnancy to child insurance in a flash

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar

    The day you come home from the maternity ward with your newborn baby, everyday life will never be the same. From now on, your main focus will be on your baby, and everything around you may suddenly feel quite unimportant. By having already made your choice of child insurance during your pregnancy, you will have more time to feel present in your new role as a mother, as well as confident that your child is protected if something should happen. 

    Why is child insurance needed?

    There is already a basic level of social protection that provides children with access to health care, compensation from the Social Insurance Agency and, in a few cases, minor protection in the event of accidental injury. However, this protection is rarely sufficient if something serious should happen. Together with Baby Journey, Länsförsäkringar wants to help more children get better protection through good insurance.

    After giving birth, you probably want to spend all your time on yourself and your newborn baby. To save you time choosing an insurance policy, Länsförsäkringar has put together all the information you need on its website, so you can make your choice of child insurance at the same time as you buy Pregnancy insurance. You can then quickly apply for child insurance as soon as you get home from the birth.

    Here's how to apply for child insurance step by step:

    1. you start by applying for child insurance on the Länsförsäkringar website. You can do this at any time of day. Fill in the details of the guardian and the child.

    2. Once you have completed this, you will receive an email with a link to a health declaration. This must be completed within 14 days of making the application, otherwise you will have to re-apply from the beginning. You can sign the health declaration easily with your bank ID.

    3. a caseworker will then assess* your health declaration. The assessment is usually quick, but sometimes medical records are needed as all children are entitled to an individual health assessment from a medical perspective. If these records need to be collected, you as the guardian will have to give your consent.

    4. Once the assessment is completed and the insurance is approved, you will receive your insurance documents and payment instructions.

    5. You have now moved from pregnancy to child insurance. Hooray!

    When you pay for your pregnancy insurance, it is valid for six months after the birth, but it is still important to apply for a child insurance, as coverage is limited in case of illness and accidental injuries. A supplement from child insurance can be important from a financial perspective and can help improve the quality of life for the whole family. Remember, too, that your child insurance policy only takes effect once it is paid for, so apply as early as possible and pay as soon as you can to ensure your child is fully covered in the event of accidental injury or illness.

    *It happens that a child insurance with full coverage is not granted. In this case, you as the guardian will receive another insurance offer for the child.

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