All you need to know about infant massage

Verified by

Sara Dellner


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    All you need to know about infant massage

    Verified by

    Sara Dellner


    Young children need closeness to feel safe and to grow and develop.

    The unborn baby is fully enclosed in the womb and it is natural for the baby to want to maintain that closeness and be cradled and caressed as soon as it is born. The skin is the body's largest sensory organ and sensitivity to touch is one of the earliest developed functions of the body, as early as week six the fetus responds to touch.

    Newborn babies use all their senses to seek contact and the closeness they have so naturally enjoyed. When you listen to all these signals and take care of your baby, you show with your eyes, your smiles and your voice that you see and hear the baby. The ongoing dialog confirms and strengthens the child and your relationship. The child feels safe.

    Why is infant massage important?

    The infant massage contains everything that is so important for attachment. Touch is affirmation for the baby who feels loved by your strong and warm presence. The massage is not a treatment, but an opportunity to get to know your child with loving touch and total presence. By having this total attention to your child, you become more observant of the child's signals and can meet and respond to the child directly. It is always the child who guides and it is important to respect and be responsive to the child's signals.

    If the child is sad and cries or fights back, the child is not receptive to the massage and needs to be comforted in another way. The massage should be a moment of comfort for both of you and provide a sense of familiarity. The more you meet in close contact, the easier it will be for you to understand the child's needs and you will feel more secure and confident as a parent, which will deepen your contact and strengthen your bond even more. The foundation for self-esteem is laid in the close contact where the child feels loved and respected, which also has an impact on the child's ability to be close later in life.

    All closeness and touch is good and there are no limits to how or how much you can massage and stay close to your baby. The skin is so incredibly sensitive and the natural way to comfort and calm is closeness. We also know that the 'calmness hormone' oxytocin is released during touch and massage and we can't have too much of that.

    Peace and quiet are essential for a good massage session. Listen to soft music or singing during the massage session and make sure the place is warm and comfortable. Use a cold-pressed vegetable oil, such as almond oil, and start by rubbing your own hands with the oil to make them warm and soft. Over time, the child will recognize this movement and understand that the massage is in progress. In addition to the movement, tell the child about the massage session and ask if the child is ready for the massage. If you get a positive response with eye contact and other sensory movements, you can start massaging your child in the way that feels natural. Use as much oil as will make the strokes comfortable but avoid oil on the face. Experiment with legs, tummy, arms and back and do what the child shows that they like. The way that feels right for you and your child is always right.

    Although infant massage is not a treatment, there is an effect of the abdominal massage that can alleviate stomach cramps and indigestion if performed preventively and regularly. Your BVC nurse can show you how to do the abdominal massage and it is also described on Vårdguiden, 1177.

    Method for infant massage

    There is a special method in Infant Massage that is taught in Sweden and is developed by the American researcher Vimala S Mc Clure. The method is described in the book "Infant massage - a handbook" and originated in India. Infant massage courses are also offered at several preschools and also by private providers. Many BVC nurses also have knowledge of infant massage or have attended an instructor course themselves, so feel free to ask your BVC nurse for more information and practical guidance.

    Infant massage is "speaking to the baby's skin", a language of the senses to communicate with! As much as you want, as often as you want!


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