Newborn baby: 3 months

Verified by

Matilda Ördell

Paediatric nurse

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    Newborn baby: 3 months

    Verified by

    Matilda Ördell

    Paediatric nurse

    When your baby is 3 months old, things may become a little easier in the future. The greatest need for closeness may decrease and the circadian rhythm will only become more regular in the future, which means a little more routine than you have had until now. Hang in there! This is also a time when a lot is happening in development and you have probably noticed how your little one needs more stimulating activities than before to be happy. At this age, it may therefore be time to start thinking about entertainment!

    What happens at the nursery when the baby is 3 months old? 

    When babies are about three months old, they will be offered the second dose of the rota vaccine, as well as the first dose of the vaccine in the vaccination program. The baby will then receive two shots, one in each thigh, providing protection against the diseases drifteri, tetanus, pneumococcus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis b and haemophilus influenzae type b. Your BVC nurse will go through this vaccination, how it works and possible side effects. As always at your BVC visits, you will check height, weight and head circumference, and at this age you will talk about what is fun and developing for the baby and how you are doing at home. 

    Baby sleep from 3 months

    Now your baby is starting to learn the difference between day and night, which means that the circadian rhythm can become more even and sleep routines can start to take shape. Your little one still needs a lot of sleep, around 17 hours a day is usually some kind of standard, with about 9-12 hours happening at night and the rest spread out over the day. Remember that sleep, like so many other things, is incredibly individual and some people sleep more than others. As long as you feel good together, the baby is growing and everyday life is running smoothly for you, you don't need to worry. 

    Baby swimming with 3 months baby

    From now on, you can start taking baby swimming lessons! Some babies love swimming, while others need a little more time to get used to it. Bathing in the tub at home is not the same as in a pool with other children in a new environment - so even if your little one doesn't like bathing at home, that doesn't mean they don't like baby swimming. Many babies love it! Take the plunge and see if baby swimming is for you, and if it's not, it's fine to drop out of the course.

    During the baby swim, you will have the opportunity to get your baby used to water, practicing floating and getting water over their head. Even if the time spent in the pool is less than half an hour, this is a lot of new experiences for your little one. Try to leave some time for sleep and recovery after the trip to the bathhouse, maybe you both need it? 

    Many swimming facilities require swim diapers with elastic around the thighs and waist, not the waterproof diapers you can find in your grocery store. These are usually available to buy on site, or you can find them both in physical baby shops and online. 

    Fourth trimester 

    The fourth trimester is a relatively new concept that refers to the first three months after the birth of the baby. It is considered an extension of pregnancy because the baby is in great need of closeness in order to cope and adapt to the new world. It may be that until now you have been struggling with a little one who now constantly wants to be close, which is often challenging. But you did it! You have gone through the whole fourth trimester and from now on a new time with a more even circadian rhythm and a little less need to be constantly close begins.

    Something happens at three months where the baby's vision, social brain and interest in what's going on around them changes. Suddenly it becomes more okay not to be around all the time and this can make you as a parent start to feel more confident in your role (although of course it can still feel overwhelming and tough). Everything is no longer a guessing game and meeting your child's needs can be easier now. Everything will simply get easier with time and the more you get to know each other.

    Parents' groups

    Most childcare centers offer parent groups and sometimes stroller walks from around 3 months of age, and in some cases earlier than that. Take the opportunity to participate if you can, it's fun for both you as a parent and the baby. Ask at your childcare center what opportunities there are to meet parents and children of a similar age. It's worth remembering that a parent group or similar activities where babies are gathered together can make a big impression on the little ones, which can make them very tired afterwards. Small, short moments are usually enough to start with and try to schedule quiet time without impressions in connection with the activity. Think about how much new it is for the little one to take in!

    Read more about baby development at 4 months here!


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