Time to start preschool? We can help you prepare!

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    Time to start preschool? We can help you prepare!

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar

    For many children, the start of pre-school is just around the corner after the holidays. As a parent, you often struggle with thoughts about how it will go, how the child will enjoy it and whether you have everything under control for the big day. This can be challenging! That's why we've gathered everything you might need to prepare for, so that you too can manage the transition painlessly.

    Now comes the day when you have to leave your child in a new and unfamiliar environment. For many, this feels challenging, not only because preschool is a foreign place so far, but because everyday life as you know it is about to change. It's okay to feel all kinds of emotions, such as the separation being scary, worrying about your child, or feeling good about your child spending their days in a new environment. Try to trust that preschool is a good and safe place for your child to develop, have fun and meet new friends. 

    Before the first drop-off

    When children are sad and reach out to their parent, it's tough for most people. It rarely matters if the person you're leaving to is a family member or a brand new early childhood educator - it hurts the parent's heart a little.

    It is perfectly normal for children to cry in these situations, which is usually due to the separation itself rather than the arms to which the child is handed over. Just like for you! So be prepared for some tears in the early days and know that it will most likely turn around quite soon. If your child is very sad when you leave them at nursery, it is important that you are clear when you say goodbye, otherwise your child may be a little confused. A kiss and a hug, a "have fun today" and then waving goodbye is enough. Then it's important to stick to that goodbye despite tears and arms outstretched towards you. 

    Tough drop-offs tend to hang over you as a parent for the rest of the day, so if you're feeling anxious about what happened next, you can always contact the preschool for an update. It's usually easier to relax then! What if your child isn't sad at drop-off? That's great! That's perfectly normal too.

    Planning of school entry and parental days

    It is good to remember that the start of preschool and schooling means time spent away from work and you will probably need to take out parental leave. The length of time it takes to settle in and the routines that apply vary from nursery to nursery, as does how well the child copes with settling in. Some children adjust quickly and thrive, while others need a little more time. You should also be prepared for the fact that your child may be more tired and need more closeness from the parents than usual, as there are many new impressions to be processed. 

    Tips for an easier start to preschool

    1. prepare the child

    Before starting preschool, it's a good idea to talk to your child about what's coming up and prepare for the change. Feel free to make concrete suggestions such as "it's great that you will meet lots of new friends"! Go to the preschool and visit if you can, so that the environment is not completely new when the time comes. 

    2. Calm and safe before the start

    When children's everyday lives are about to change, it is good if everything is calm and safe around the child to avoid too many new impressions and changes at the same time. If it's time to start preschool, it may be a good idea to wait with projects such as stopping the pacifier, starting to sleep in their own bed or simply too many activities and impressions in general.

    3. prepare things to take to preschool

    There are a lot of things to check off that can be good to bring to preschool. A lot of practical things, of course, but also things that your child associates with security. It could be a pacifier, a cuddly toy, a toy, a blanket or something else. Make sure that all those safe things are there at the beginning. A water bottle labeled with your child's name is also good to have! Below you will find a complete list to check before starting preschool.

    Good-to-have items at preschool

    Usually, the preschool will give instructions on what needs to be in place, and of course you don't need to prepare with winter boots in August. However, if you want to prepare well in advance based on the season, this is a good basis to start from:

    Spring and summer

    - Shell clothing - overalls or trousers and jacket
    - Braided rainwear - trousers, jacket, overalls and/or rain hat
    - Sun hat/cap
    - Sun protection factor
    - Extra clothes: long and short-sleeved shirts, pants, socks
    - Fleece jacket
    - Thin mittens
    - Rubber boots
    - Sandals and/or sneakers

    Autumn and winter

    - shell clothing
    - Braided rainwear - pants, jacket, overalls, rubber boots and/or rain hat
    - Winter clothing (overalls and/or
    - Fleece jacket
    - Thin mittens
    - Warmer mittens
    - Cap
    - Underwear (wool is warming!)
    - Lined rubber boots
    - Winter boots

    How is the child insured at the nursery? 

    It's easy to think that your child is insured through the nursery school, but the fact is that not all municipalities will insure your child during free time or holidays. Moreover, insurance through the nursery school only covers accidental injuries, not illnesses. Illnesses are a more common cause of disability and inability to work than accidental injuries.

    To help you financially if your child falls ill or suffers a serious accidental injury, it is a good idea to complement your child's insurance with a child insurance policy. Having your own child insurance can make a big difference to the finances of both the family and the child, especially if the child is so seriously affected that he or she needs round-the-clock support and the parents are unable to return to work fully. Check out Child Insurance at Länsförsäkringar today!

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