Keep this in mind at the bathing site

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    Keep this in mind at the bathing site

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar

    What should you really consider when taking children to a swimming area? How common are drowning accidents and what causes children to drown in very shallow water?

    In just fifty years, the number of drowning accidents in Sweden has fallen from around 400 to 100 per year. The goal, of course, is that no one should drown. Although children are now allowed to attend swimming lessons from an early age and many bathing areas are equipped with lifeguards, there are many things to keep in mind to swim safely with your children this summer.

    What are the most important things to consider when taking children to the beach?

    Firstly, it is important to get an overall picture of the bathing area and the environment, for example whether the bathing area is a shallow beach or whether it consists of rocks, and whether it is guarded by lifeguards. Regardless of where you swim, it is a good idea to find out where the nearest lifesaving equipment is located, such as a lifebuoy, raft or throw line. It's also important to know where you are, so you can give an address if you need to call for help.

    How should you swim with your children at the beach?

    The simple answer is together. Smaller children should always swim with an adult present. If you let older children go down to the water by themselves, it is important to always have good supervision. Do not allow children to swim under jetties or diving boards.

    How is it that children can drown in shallow water?

    Young children do not have fully developed balance or the ability to control their bodies like an adult. A level of water that can cover the nose and mouth (i.e. just a few centimeters) is enough for a child to drown. Never leave children unattended either on beaches or in a bathtub with a little water in it.

    Is it common for children to have drowning accidents?

    Approximately 20-30 % of all drowning accidents are swimming related and there are currently no significant figures when it comes to children. The few drowning accidents that happen to children can often be linked to lack of presence and often the phone is a culprit in this. The vision is of course that no one should drown!

    How long can a child stay under water?

    It is difficult to say how long a child can survive underwater, but survival rates obviously increase dramatically the faster you can start CPR. Always be present with your child when you go to swimming spots together and keep in mind that if an accident occurs, it can be a matter of seconds.

    What might be useful to consider when it comes to swimming skills?

    We are each other's lifeguards and both swimming and water skills are of great importance when we are with our children at bathing sites. If you as a parent leave the responsibility to someone else, what can they do if something happens? Don't leave the responsibility to siblings who may not know how to act if something happens.

    You may also want to consider wearing a life jacket even at bathing sites as this is by far the safest for children. Regardless of swimming ability, strong currents can quickly drift out to sea, especially if you swim with floating mattresses. Therefore, always write their names and phone numbers on them, as this will make it easier for the lifeguards who go out to pick them up.

    When it comes to bath toys, you should be careful when buying them abroad, as you should aim for EU standards to make sure they work properly.

    Is there anything else to think about this summer?

    It is just as important for children as adults to protect themselves on sunny days. Wear a sun hat and drink plenty of water! Even if we adults keep an eye on our children, drowsiness as an effect of heat and lack of fluids can drastically impair their performance.

    What insurance applies in the unlikely event of an accident?

    In child insurance. We are usually careful about insuring things like our cars, where most people have full insurance, but we forget to insure the most valuable things we have. Children's insurance helps your family financially in the event of injury or illness and provides peace of mind up to the age of 25.

    Take out your child insurance and find out more at Länsförsäkringar!


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