Pregnant with twins: giving birth to twins

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Sophie Saidac


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    Pregnant with twins: giving birth to twins

    Verified by

    Sophie Saidac


    The destination is close, although it may feel like a long journey ahead. If you are pregnant with twins, the birth is carefully planned with a doctor. Half of all twin births are by caesarean section, and the other half are vaginal births.

    It may seem like an eternity away, but the end is approaching! The last trimester is here and at the end of this period you will finally meet your little babies. One consolation for those expecting twins is that you often don't go beyond week 38+0. But it's good to be aware that twins often choose to come out earlier than that, 50 % are born before week 37+0.

    Planning the birth of twins

    During the last trimester, you will see a doctor to plan your upcoming twin birth. It is roughly 50/50 whether a vaginal birth or a planned caesarean section is planned. Reasons that can determine the planning for your birth include the position of the twins in the womb and whether you have given birth before, as previous births can determine the future planning. Ultrasound is used to check the babies and their condition can determine the choice of delivery method.

    In the case of a vaginal twin birth, the actual opening phase is similar to that of a person expecting a baby. In the delivery room, there is often a midwife and a nurse who take care of the parents-to-be and are responsible for the progress of the birth. The babies are continuously monitored with CTGs that check the babies' heart rate. When it is time for baby number one to be born, your delivery team will be larger. There are usually two midwives, one or two obstetricians, a pediatrician and two nurses in the room.

    After baby number one is born, the doctor or midwife will help guide baby number two down so that it doesn't fall sideways. The position of the baby is then often checked by ultrasound. The womb can now take a break before it is time for baby number two to be born. How long this takes is individual and the baby will be monitored by CTG during this time. If the baby is not feeling well or the labor is prolonged, it may be necessary to terminate the labor using a vacuum extractor, forceps or caesarean section.

    Planned, emergency or immediate caesarean section?

    A caesarean section can be planned, emergency or immediate. In the case of a planned caesarean section the parents-to-be are given a date, often coming in the same morning for the birth. There will be more staff on site: two midwives per baby, two nursing assistants, obstetrician and pediatrician. For most planned caesarean sections, you will be awake, a spinal anesthetic will be given, which means that you will be anesthetized from a little above the navel downwards. The abdomen is washed and a curtain is placed between the expectant parents and the surgical staff. You will also be given a urinary catheter because you cannot control your bladder yourself. Before the operation, the obstetrician will check that the anaesthetic has been properly administered. The babies are often discharged quickly and are seen by a midwife, who then shows the babies directly to the parents.

    If the babies need a little help at the start, pediatricians are on hand to check how the babies are doing outside the womb. The obstetrician will then stitch up the surgical incision, after which you will be placed in the recovery room, where you will need to regain feeling in your legs before you can move on to the regular maternity ward.

    One emergency caesarean section is done in the same way, it needs to be done a bit faster but often there is time for preparation and short information given before.

    In the case of a immediate caesarean section everything happens very quickly and the person giving birth is often put to sleep. However, in this option there is not much time for information and the parent receives the information after the birth. This option is used if the babies in the womb are affected, or if the person giving birth is not feeling well or has complications of any kind. As you will be told which method of birth is planned for you, it may be useful to read up on it. However, if a vaginal birth is planned, you should always be prepared for the possibility of a caesarean section.


    Here you can read about the first, second and third trimesters of a twin pregnancy.

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