Is infertility = never getting pregnant?

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    Is infertility = never getting pregnant?

    Month after month, waiting and longing for a positive pregnancy test is a huge strain. When a couple has been trying to conceive for a year, it is common to talk about infertility and involuntary childlessness, but it is quite possible to see the long-awaited plus on the stick soon. However, sometimes you may want or need to do an investigation to find out the reason for infertility.

    Investigation of infertility and involuntary childlessness

    Infertility is commonly referred to in the medical community as involuntary childlessness when a couple has been trying to conceive for a year through regular unprotected sex. At this point, tests may be carried out to try to find a cause for the infertility, if the couple wishes. The length of the investigation varies from clinic to clinic, but it can take up to a couple of months as several tests are carried out.

    What happens after an investigation?

    Once the assessment is complete, the doctor will discuss possible treatments. Sometimes no treatment is needed at all, in which case the doctor will decide that you have a good chance of having a baby by continuing to try yourself.

    The cause of infertility determines the most appropriate treatment. In about a third of cases, infertility is due to the sperm and in a third it is due to the uterus or the eggs. In these cases, treatment usually involves ovulation stimulation, sperm insemination or IVF. Sometimes it can be lifestyle that makes it difficult to get pregnant. In this case, treatment may involve changing lifestyle habits, such as stopping smoking or losing/gaining weight.

    In some cases, there is no explanation as to why a pregnancy does not occur, this is called unexplained infertility.

    What is the difference between infertility and sterility?

    Sterility means that a man or woman cannot have children. Men can become sterile after a chlamydia infection or gonorrhea if it has led to an inflammation of the epididymis. However, this is very rare. Women can become sterile if they have untreated chlamydia or gonorrhea that leads to permanent damage to the fallopian tubes. Both men and women can become sterile after cancer treatments.

    Where do I go for help?

    If you and your partner have been trying to have children for more than a year of regular sex without success, you can go to a gynecological clinic, women's clinic or infertility clinic in a hospital. As a patient at a reproductive clinic, you will usually have access to a counselor if you need to talk.

    Source: 1177.

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