Traveling during pregnancy? Tips for safe and comfortable travel

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    Traveling during pregnancy? Tips for safe and comfortable travel

    Traveling during pregnancy can be challenging, but with the right planning and preparation, it can go really smoothly. Whether you're traveling by car, plane or train, here are some handy tips to make your trip as comfortable and safe as possible!

    When is the best time to travel during pregnancy?

    First trimester

    During the first three months, you may feel tired and nauseous, which can make traveling less comfortable. Make sure to take plenty of breaks, stretch your legs, get fresh air and drink lots of water.

    Second trimester

    The second trimester is often the best time to travel! The nausea has often subsided and energy is back. This is a good time for longer trips, but remember to take regular breaks to keep yourself comfortable and mobile.

    Third trimester

    During the last three months, you may feel more uncomfortable and tired. Avoid longer trips close to the due date and always consult your doctor before planning a trip during the third trimester.

    Preparing for the trip

    Talk to your doctor

    Before embarking on a long journey, talk to your doctor or midwife to make sure it is safe to travel. They can give you specific advice based on your health and the progress of your pregnancy.

    Pack smart

    Pack what you need to stay comfortable and safe, such as water bottles, snacks, pillows for support and any medication. Don't forget a first aid kit. And support socks are worth their weight in gold!

    Travel insurance

    If you are traveling long distances, make sure your travel insurance covers pregnancy-related emergencies.

    Safety while traveling

    Car travel

    The seat belt: Use the seat belt correctly. The lower part of the belt should be under your stomach and over your hipbones, while the upper part should go between your breasts and beside your stomach.
    Airbag: Adjust your seat so that you are sitting at a safe distance from the steering wheel and airbag. If possible, don't sit too close to the steering wheel or dashboard.
    Pause and move: Plan regular stops every 1-2 hours to stretch your legs and promote blood circulation.

    Air travel

    The seat belt: Place the seat belt under your stomach and across your thighs.
    Pause and move: Get up and walk around a bit every hour to keep the blood circulation going.

    Train travel

    Seating position: Choose a place where you can stretch your legs. Use cushions to support your back and neck.
    Movement: Walk regularly on the train to keep your blood circulation going.

    Comfort while traveling

    Sitting position

    Use cushions to support your back and neck. Adjust the chair or seat so that you sit upright and comfortably.


    Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing that does not restrict blood circulation.


    Keep your journey well ventilated and at a comfortable temperature. Bring a blanket if you need extra warmth.

    Diet and nutrition

    Drink water

    As a pregnant woman, water is always good, but it's especially good to replenish it when traveling! One tip is to take a fluid replacement before traveling.


    Bring fruit, nuts, yogurt and other snacks to keep your energy up and prevent nausea.



    Make sure your destination has access to necessary medical care should you need it.


    Plan where you can stop for toilet and meal breaks during the trip.

    Emergency number

    Have emergency numbers readily available, including your doctor, midwife and local emergency numbers.

    Follow these tips to make your journey during pregnancy safe and comfortable. Listen to your body and adjust your plans according to your needs. With a little preparation, you can enjoy your trip and feel safe all the way. Also check out our checklists for more travel tips. Have a good trip!

    Selected for you: Why you should buy pregnancy insurance


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