Pregnant Week 10 | Embryo body taking shape

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Maria Midstam


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    Pregnant Week 10 | Embryo body taking shape

    Verified by

    Maria Midstam


    In this article you will be able to read about everything related to your pregnancy in week 10. You'll find information on the development of the baby, how the mother's body is changing, and tips you may need along the way. When you are 10 weeks pregnant, the fetus is the size of an olive.

    Baby: Now toes and fingers are starting to grow

    As of this week, the embryo is called a fetus, which is a big step in development! The fetus is now about 30 millimeters long from head to tail.


    The body of the fetus is starting to take shape and the tail that was previously at the back of the embryo is starting to disappear. The toes and fingers, which until this week looked like little paddles with webbed feet, are now starting to grow. The head has a neck and the depressions previously seen in the face are starting to develop eyes with eyelids. At the nose and mouth there used to be only one common hole, but now both the nose and mouth are beginning to develop their own structure. The ears are beginning to take shape and the heart will be fully developed during this week.

    Organ of the fetus

    All the major organ systems have been established in the fetus and the genitals continue to develop. So far, the external genitalia look the same in all fetuses regardless of gender, but the internal genitalia (testes or ovaries) are fully developed by now. Depending on the gender, millions of eggs are now being formed or the production of testosterone has started.

    Amniotic fluid

    The baby lies in the womb inside what is called the amniotic sac together with the amniotic fluid. The amount of amniotic fluid gradually increases until week 38 when it is about 1 liter, after which there is a gradual decrease in amniotic fluid.

    The amniotic fluid is produced in the membranes and is constantly renewed every 24 hours. The amniotic fluid is also present to allow the baby to move around, exercise its arms and legs, and to insulate and help the baby maintain its temperature. The temperature in the womb is the same as the pregnant woman's, i.e. 37 degrees.

    Mom: Worry when you are 10 weeks pregnant

    You are now in the tenth week and the fetus has been growing inside you for two months! 30 weeks to go until you meet.

    During this time of pregnancy, the weeks can seem endlessly long. It can be nice to encourage yourself with different milestones. Reward yourself in some way for doing such an amazing job in carrying a baby! Maybe you could make it a routine to do something special that you enjoy in the middle of each week of pregnancy, so that you have something to look forward to other than going into the next week? Only you set the limits of what are reasonable rewards. See if you can get your potential partner on board and find something fun to do together!

    What kind of parent do you want to be?

    Now may be the time to give yourself time to dream and fantasize about who you want to be as a parent. Share your thoughts and ideas with your partner and discuss your views on parenthood together, but also with your loved ones.

    Iron supplements

    If you have started taking iron supplements, this can affect your gut, making you more sluggish or constipated. There are different types of iron supplements with different levels of impact, so talk to your midwife if the supplement you are taking is not working for your gut.

    Fluid and swelling

    If you feel swollen, the main reason for this is the increase in blood volume, but also that the hormones during pregnancy can cause fluid retention. As each woman is unique, we also react differently to this hormonal change, so everyone is affected to a different extent. Factors such as blood pressure, heat and how much fluid the pregnant woman drinks also affect swelling. One reason why you can swell is because you don't drink enough! Try increasing your water intake and see if the swelling subsides.

    Concerns and risks of pregnancy

    If there are any risks associated with your pregnancy, your midwife will offer a doctor's appointment. If you are worried and need extra support, your midwife can help you with that too. You can talk about your concerns and questions about most things, and your midwife will help you get on the right track! Remember that anxiety is a natural part of pregnancy for many people. It's a long pregnancy, so if you're feeling anxious, it's bound to dip and peak several times during these nine months. What you feel now may not be as noticeable in a couple of weeks.

    If you want to share your thoughts and experiences with other pregnant or parenting women, you can always turn to Baby Journey - The community! Find out more here!

    Sex during pregnancy

    Having sex is not harmful to you or the embryo if you have a normal pregnancy. However, if you feel unwell or because of all the hormones, your desire may be reduced, as both your feelings and experiences may change. Some pregnant women have more desire and feel more pleasure, while others have the opposite effect. Of course, this can also change during pregnancy. Talk to your partner about your feelings and needs, and remember to acknowledge each other and be responsive. Intimacy can happen in many more ways than intercourse.

    You can read about week 9 here.

    Here you can read about week 11.

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