Pregnant in week 22 | Fetus now weighs 400 grams

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Maria Midstam


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    Pregnant in week 22 | Fetus now weighs 400 grams

    Verified by

    Maria Midstam


    In this article you will be able to read about everything related to being pregnant in week 22. You'll find information about the baby's development, how the mother's body is changing and tips you might need along the way. In week 22, the fetus is the size of an auburgine.

    Baby: The fetus now weighs about 400 grams

    The little crab in the belly is now about 27 cm long and weighs about 450 grams!


    By week 22, the baby is able to respond to both sound and light and sleeps an average of 16 hours a day. All organs are formed by this week but it will take a few weeks before they are fully developed and functioning for life outside the womb.

    The fetus is preparing for life outside the womb and practicing digesting food. This is done by swallowing amniotic fluid, which keeps the intestines, kidneys and other organs working. The fetus has also developed taste buds on the tongue and can now distinguish between things like sweetness.

    Movement patterns

    In the womb, the fetus is completely weightless. This means that no position is difficult, but some fetuses already seem to have different favorite sides or directions to lie!

    The way the fetus moves becomes less reflexive and more human every week. The fetus changes its position and orientation frequently during the day and can actually make small changes and movements even during rest and sleep. So if you feel a lot of movement and wonder if the baby never sleeps, this could be an explanation for it! In mid-pregnancy, many fetuses are still relatively far down in the abdomen, so any movements are usually felt most clearly below the pregnant woman's navel.

    Mom: Pregnant in week 22

    Do you feel any kicks?

    The fetus moves freely in the amniotic fluid and makes both forward and backward rolls. So there is a chance that you will feel the fetus kicking at the pubic bone and around the navel by now. If you don't feel any movements yet, you will certainly start to feel them soon!

    Your body

    The mother's body prepares for childbirth and changes with each passing week. At times, it may feel like your belly is growing extra, which has to do with the baby and the uterus growing faster at times. You may also feel that your belly is bigger in the evening and smaller in the morning. This is because the abdominal muscles relax more in the evening and may even be a little tired after carrying the front of the uterus all day. In addition, the intestines are more full and take up more space, causing the belly to rumble more.

    Colostrum/raw milk

    Your body is preparing to produce breast milk and breastfeed your baby after birth, so it is not unusual for breast milk to leak from your nipples occasionally. It is also perfectly normal not to leak breast milk during pregnancy.

    Colostrum is the name given to the first milk produced during pregnancy and the first days after birth. It is also called colostrum. Colostrum is different from the more mature breast milk that usually flows a few days after delivery. While colostrum is often more yellow in color, mature milk is more white. Colostrum is richer in antibodies, which are good for the newborn baby's immune system, and contains plenty of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. It even acts as an effective healing ointment, so you can apply it to your nipples or other areas of skin where you are dry or sore. The same goes for the baby after birth!

    If you are bothered by milk coming out during pregnancy, you may find it helpful to have protective pads or a soft bra to sleep with. Remember that whether or not milk comes out of your breasts during pregnancy is no indication of how much milk you will have after birth.

    You can read about week 21 here.

    You can read about week 23 here.

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