Ovulation calculator
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It is only during ovulation, which usually occurs around 12-16 days before your period, that you can get pregnant. But what actually happens in the body and how does it work?
Ovulation plays a key role in your journey to the plus side of the stick. During ovulation, one (or in some cases several!) eggs are released from your ovary and enter the fallopian tube. Once there, the egg can be fertilized by sperm for the next 24 hours. So it is during these 24 hours that you are most fertile. However, it should not be forgotten that sperm can survive for up to 5 days, and that it can therefore be good to, in addition to when you ovulate, also try to schedule intercourse a few days before and after ovulation.
First and foremost, you may want to have an understanding of your menscykel and how it and its different phases work.
When it comes to calculating ovulation, there are several methods that can be used to estimate your most fertile period during a menstrual cycle. Finding out when you ovulate and identifying your fertile window can therefore be helpful in increasing the chance of a positive result.
A common method for calculating ovulation is to use an ovulation calendar. This is based on the assumption that your menstrual cycle is regular and typically 28 days long, but can also be adjusted for both shorter and longer cycles. Calculate ovulation by subtracting 14 days from the expected start date of your next period to get an estimate of when ovulation is likely to occur. For example, if your menstrual cycle is 28 days, ovulation is expected to occur around day 14 after the first day of your last period.
Read more about how to identify symptoms of ovulation here
During ovulation, you may experience certain types of changes in your body. Knowing your body and paying attention to certain symptoms can therefore be valuable in finding out if you are ovulating.
Common symptoms of ovulation include increased body temperature, tenderness in the lower abdomen, and changes in the consistency of your discharge. During ovulation, it's common for discharge to be clear and transparent in color, with a consistency resembling raw egg whites.
Read more about the methods to track your ovulation here
Even though symptoms can be indicative, they're not always sufficient to determine exactly when ovulation occurs. In such cases, you can instead use an ovulation test, which measures levels of the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine. This hormone increases in the body leading up to ovulation. It's a clear sign that you'll soon have, or have, ovulated. This can be especially helpful for those with irregular periods who aren't fully aware of when their ovulation typically occurs.
Other symptoms to look out for, in addition to those mentioned above (changes in discharge and increased body temperature) include:
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