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Targeted & tailored advertising

As pregnant or new parents, we want to give ourselves and our children the very best. The users who come to Baby Journey are an extremely attractive target group for you as an advertiser. They are thirsty for knowledge, strong buyers, committed and, above all, responsive.

At Baby Journey, we bridge influencers' digital channels and our app by using an omni-platform approach. We use the information about the users so that you can speak directly to your target audience in a credible and accurate environment!

Två smartphones med skärmbilder från en graviditetsapp: den ena visar en veckouppdatering med barnets storlek och nedräkning, och den andra en artikel om gravidförsäkring.
En ikon med tre stiliserade, cirkelformade figurer som symboliserar människor, mot en lila bakgrund.

+4.6 million


En ikon av ett stiliserat babyansikte med ett lockigt hårstrå, enkla ögon och ett leende

110 000


En ikon föreställande två mynt

+100 000 SEK


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Some of our satisfied clients

  • Bugaboo Logotyp

    "We were looking for a partner and agency with a digital and creative focus and a commitment to children and family life. We value both Baby Journey's modern approach and our personal contact and our collaboration will be an important part of Bugaboo's journey forward with a partner who can elevate our communication and build our brand in the long term."

    Caroline Sabri

    Marketing Manager Nordics Bugaboo
  • Tradera Logo

    "Children's clothing as a category is growing like crazy on Tradera. And we want it to continue to do so - together with Baby Journey. Probably the most accurate collaboration to reach the target group of expectant or new parents."

    Joakim Billstrand

    Head of Brand
  • Vibes logotyp

    "Professional productions of a high standard and very efficient. You work fast - but don't compromise on quality."

    Frida Hagdahl

    Marketing & Customer Support
  • Länsförsäkringar logotyp

    "We highly value the partnership with Baby Journey. The team is efficient and highly deliverable, working with a lot of drive and bringing forward ideas and valuable insights to our work, while being responsive to our requests."

    Eleni Hagenström

    Head of Private Customers, Länsförsäkringar AB Business Area Personal Risk
  • Mindler Logo

    "Mindler is proud to partner with Baby Journey. With our joint effort, we want to create a safe environment where expectant parents can find both practical and emotional support during one of the most important phases of life."

    Anders Hedman

  • Thule logotyp

    "Together with Baby Journey, we can be part of the whole baby journey. We at Thule have a wide range of baby and children's products for everyone, and through our collaboration we can reach out to the upcoming and new parents in Sweden and Norway in a very smooth, inspiring and fun way."

    Ivona Todorovska

    Director, Sales and Marketing Operations
  • "By continuing our partnership with Baby Journey, we have the opportunity to reach the next generation of parents. Many parents have questions about children's sensitive skin and there is a lack of knowledge about the importance of using gentle products to reduce the risk of children developing skin allergies. Baby Journey offers parents a guiding hand in an engaging way. Our continued partnership therefore gives us the opportunity to actively participate in and contribute to this important dialog."

    Jesper Gunnarsson

    Brand Manager Unilever
    • H&M logotyp
    • Bugaboo logotyp
    • Pricerunner By Klarna logotyp
    • Blocket logotyp
    • Lindex logotyp
    • Thule logotyp
    • Neutral logotyp
    • inotyol logotyp
    • SkinCity logotyp
    • HSB logotyp
    • Vibes logotyp
    • Apohem logotyp
    • Mathem logotyp
    • frida baby logotyp
    • Life Genomics logotyp
    • Polarn o. pyret logotyp
    • Lyko logotyp
    • Semper logotyp
    • önskefoto logotyp
    • Hello Fresh Logo
    • Mindler Logo
    • Orkla Logo
    Linné Olsson Creative Sales, Baby Journey profilbild

    "We help you reach out with
    the right message at the right time."

    Linnéa Olsson
    Creative Sales, Baby Journey

    Do you also want to work with us?

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    Baby Journey - a digital meeting place for knowledge and purchasing power

    Baby Journey is Sweden's largest pregnancy app where pregnant women and parents of young children can follow their pregnancy week by week, or their child's development month by month. All users register information about themselves based on their age, pregnancy, interests and life choices. As the user uses the app, the data is populated. This data becomes the basis for analysis when we help you with your advertising campaign.  

    With our app, social media, events, digital channels and influencers, Baby Journey forms a close-knit and committed community. A digital meeting place for one of the most knowledge-thirsty and eager-to-buy target groups - pregnant and new parents. When expecting a child or becoming a new parent, people tend to change their buying behavior. They re-evaluate services and products and open up to new suggestions that are best for their children. This is where your advertising comes into play.

    Gravid kvinna i randig klänning som håller händerna runt magen

    Let your advertising become important information

    Being a new parent means a whole new chapter in your life. With that said, your target audience wants to make smart choices and purchases for the benefit of themselves and their child. That's why your ad will be so much more than just advertising - it will be useful information. 

    Every month, more than half of all new pregnant women in Sweden register on our app to learn more about pregnancy, parenting and all the information provided. This is a constantly growing target group. This is where your products and services can make a big difference to them while increasing your sales. 

    Avdelare i form av en våg

    How advertising on Baby Journey works

    We offer a variety of advertising methods and opportunities to get your brand noticed. Our experts can help with individual activations and also take a holistic approach to cross-channel marketing.

    Our specialist team tailors complete solutions and advertising packages for your business. We collect data from previous activations thanks to our proprietary data tool and help you with the right matching and set-up based on your KPIs. Together we aim for your goals!

    Avdelare i form av en våg

    Why you should advertise with Baby Journey

    Advertising on Baby Journey gives you an important advantage. Since our users have already entered all the information about themselves, your ad will be credible and accurate and can be reused by new users. The timing of your ad is extremely important as the needs of pregnant women and new parents change from week to week. Thanks to our proprietary tool and all the data collected, we can help you provide targeted marketing at exactly the right time to the right users.

    At Baby Journey, we use omni thinking across different platforms, influencer collaborations, digital channels and media formats so that your marketing provides value no matter how or where the user chooses to see or hear it. We call this a fantastic opportunity for you to create tangible brand awareness with your target audience and increase sales!

    Michaela Forni Grundare, Baby Journey Profilbild

    "The ideal place to reach out to parents-to-be and new parents."

    Michaela Forni
    Founder, Baby Journey

    Artillerigatan 16

    114 51 Stockholm

    Baby Journey


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