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Calculate your child's height

Here you can calculate what your child's estimated adult height will be. *View the calculator as a fun tool and not as absolute fact.*


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How tall will my child be?

There are many factors that can influence how tall a child will grow. Key factors include genetics and when the child reaches puberty. Both height and the age at which puberty occurs are heavily influenced by hereditary genes from the child's parents. Of course, there are exceptions, where children may not grow in the same way as their parents.

When entering puberty, one often grows rapidly. Then it decreases the further into puberty one progresses. Therefore, children may grow a bit taller if they enter puberty late. According to 1177, girls usually enter puberty sometime between the ages of 8-13, while boys reach puberty around 11-14 years old. Puberty typically lasts between 4-6 years.

Growth curve

At the Child Health Center (BVC) and School Health Services, the child's weight and length are documented on a growth curve. Growth curves are graphs used to provide an overview of various aspects of the child's well-being, including whether they are receiving adequate nutrition. If a growth curve deviates significantly, it may indicate that the child needs to be examined and evaluated by qualified personnel.

Calculate the length

With the help of the calculator above, you can estimate how tall your child might expect to be. The calculator is based on the average height of both parents, and depending on whether the child is a girl or boy, the value of '6.5' is added or subtracted. The calculator rounds to the nearest half or whole number.

This calculation formula has been used for many years, but it cannot guarantee exactly how tall the child will become. There are many factors that influence a child's height. Use the calculator above as a fun tool to get an estimate!

Calculation example (Girl): 

Parent A: 163 cm
Parent B: 192 cm

(163 cm + 192 cm) / 2 = 177.5 cm
177.5 cm - 6.5 = 171 cm

Calculation example (Boy): 

Parent A: 163 cm
Parent B: 192 cm

(163 cm + 192 cm) / 2 = 177.5 cm
177.5 cm + 6.5 = 184 cm

Calculation example (Girl): 

Parent A: 163 cm
Parent B: 192 cm

(163 cm + 192 cm) / 2 = 177.5 cm
177.5 cm - 6.5 = 171 cm

Calculation example (Boy): 

Parent A: 163 cm
Parent B: 192 cm

(163 cm + 192 cm) / 2 = 177.5 cm
177.5 cm + 6.5 = 184 cm

Calculate how tall your child will be with our height calculator!

How tall will my child be" can be answered using our height calculator. Follow-up questions from parents usually include "When do you stop growing" and "How long do you grow". All children grow differently, and height can be influenced by many different factors. One of these factors is when the child goes through puberty. Many grow the most at the beginning of puberty, but growth slows down towards the end and may continue for a few centimeters after puberty. However, puberty is just one of several factors that can affect a child's height. According to the Statistics Authority, the average height in Sweden is approximately 166 cm for women and approximately 180 cm for men. Use our calculator as a fun tool to get an estimate of your child's future height. Why not calculate how tall you'll be according to the calculator and see if it matches your current height?

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