
Family Finance School - Podcast on finances and savings

Familjens Ekonomiskola is a podcast that Baby Journey has produced together with Länsförsäkringar with a focus on family finances. Financial expert Emma Persson discusses everything from how to think about your parental leave to how to teach young children the value of money. Does the tooth fairy swish in 2022 or how do you do it? Financial issues big and small - all covered in this podcast of 15-minute short episodes.

Number of sections: 6
Last episode: September 29, 2022

Help me understand my new life as a parent!

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In this episode, we are joined by Niklas, who has worked at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency for over 20 years (!). He is an expert on parental allowance, vabb and everything related to it and therefore guides us step by step on how to understand the Swedish Social Insurance Agency in the best possible way. Did you know that they handle over 10 million cases from parents every year? Not bad!

Should you swish the tooth fairy in 2024?

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Teaching children about money can be tricky, but also fun! How do we teach the youngest children about money right from the start? Well, we let them make their own choices about money - no matter how much we want to interfere as parents. Listen to Emma from Länsförsäkringar give her best tips on how to teach our children about money in this episode!

How to turn your child's savings into a driving license or cash deposit in the future

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In this episode, we take an in-depth look at child savings. How can we best save for our children and what is important to keep in mind for long-term savings? Why is it good to save in your own name and not in your child's name? Many questions are answered in this episode by Länsförsäkringar's financial expert Emma!

How much does a child cost?

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The simple answer to what a child costs is... a lot! But why is 11 the most expensive age for children? And how should you think about affording a child? Financial expert Emma Persson at Länsförsäkringar has the answer to your questions.

Solve the mystery of parental leave

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Parental allowance, say what? For many of us, issues such as parental leave, maternity leave and vobs are pure question marks. In this episode, Baby Journey and Länsförsäkringar clear up any confusion, go through what each thing means and how you should think about the different areas.

How will I manage my life if we separate?

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Sometimes the worst happens, no matter how much we don't want to think about it. Death, divorce, illness and other negative life changes can happen when we least expect it. That's why it's important to prepare for the worst! In this episode, Emma from Länsförsäkringar shows you how to do it step by step. Just press play and you'll have answers to your questions in just 15 minutes!

Together with Länsförsäkringar, Baby Journey has produced a podcast called Familjens ekonomiskola, which of course focuses on family finances. With financial expert Emma Persson discusses everything from how you can think about your parental leave, to how you can teach young children the value of money. Does the tooth fairy swish in 2022 or how do you actually do it? Big and and small financial issues - all covered in this podcast of 15-minute episodes. This podcast is for those who want to feel more informed about finances that affect parents. The Family Finance School covers topics such as the real cost of a child, how to live if you go broke, and how to afford to live if you were to split up with your partner, why it's important to save for your children and, of course, how to plan your parental leave. Highs and lows about everything that concerns finances simply and of course lots of tips for you to take part in! Familjens Ekonomiskola is Baby Journey's third podcast and a perfect complement to Baby Talk and Mini Talk. Baby Talk and Mini Talk, which cover topics more closely related to pregnancy and small children. children. The Family Finance School is, however, just as valuable, as a stable economy sets the foundation for you and your family both now and in the future. Listen to the Family Finance School today

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