Baby development: 11 months

Verified by

Matilda Ördell

Paediatric nurse

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    Baby development: 11 months

    Verified by

    Matilda Ördell

    Paediatric nurse

    11 months with your baby! Have you noticed that your little one is trying to use language more and more? Some babies can form their first sounds so that you (at least as a parent) can understand what they mean. Maybe your little one points to the lamp when you ask where it is, or waves when someone says hello or goodbye?

    Baby development at 11 months

    The connection between words and objects is much clearer now. Therefore, it is often popular to browse books with objects that the child recognizes and can begin to imitate. If you give praise, your little one will probably want to read the same book (or play the same game) several times, as they are smart enough to understand that they will be praised again and again!

    Many children are now moving around freely or in a way that slowly removes the frustration that used to exist. This may make your little one feel a little more at ease with their surroundings than they did before.

    Some children have started walking now, others walk with support and some continue to crawl for a while longer. How your child develops motor skills is not something you should compare with others, because it is incredibly individual just like for us adults in what we can and can't do. Some children walk at 9 months while others crawl until they are over 1 year old because it is simply faster than walking. If something should deviate or if you are worried, you can always talk to the BVC. Either way, you probably have a curious little climbing monkey at home who likes to hang onto things - or tear them down... In other words, child safety is key at this age! Learn all about childproofing your home in just a few minutes with our videos.

    Baby sleep at 11 months

    Expect about 1-2 hours of sleep per day at this age. Sleep times tend to start getting a little longer than before and overall, children sleep between 12-16 hours per day - often 11-12 hours of this is during the night. However, this is individual, so if you have a child who sleeps in a completely different way, don't worry about it. Recognize what your child needs and feels best - and try to find acceptance about it. not really is as many consecutive hours as you had hoped for. If there are significantly fewer hours than recommended per day, it is important to raise it with the BVC so that you can get the right help and support.

    Baby food at 11 months

    Now is a good time for food routines to start taking shape! Of course, you'll need to consider your child's interest in food, but aim for breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2-3 snacks per day. 

    Introduce your child to several different flavors and textures of food. And let your little one pick up the food themselves! Either with a spoon, fork or hands. Sometimes it can be difficult to know how much your child is getting when eating on their own, but if they seem content, sleep well, are happy and are growing as they should, it's probably more than enough. The more regular food your baby eats, the less the need for breastfeeding or formula. However, it is perfectly natural for children to breastfeed or formula feed at night and/or during the day even after 1 year of age.

    Children develop at different speeds, at different stages, and as unique individuals. However, if you are worried about your child's motor or mental development, it is important to raise it at the BVC. There are no stupid questions or concerns!

    Here you can read about baby development at age 1!

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