Pelvic floor exercise for pregnant women - Good exercises

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    Pelvic floor exercise for pregnant women - Good exercises

    Have you experienced pelvic pain during your pregnancy? Pelvic pain is common but can be very painful and prevent you from living a normal life. However, there are exercises and pelvic floor exercises that can help relieve your pelvic pain during pregnancy - here's how!

    Do you have pelvic pain? Does it hurt in the pubic bone or lumbar region? Does the pain radiate to your abdomen or down your legs? Do you have difficulty climbing stairs? Does it feel impossible to stand on one leg? To turn over in bed? Or get up from a chair?

    It is likely that you have suffered from symphysiolysis, and you are not alone: every 4th pregnant woman suffers from laminitis, which is partly due to the fact that your joints are softened by the hormone relaxin and you become heavier. This puts strain on your joints and muscles and means that your pelvic floor is unable to stabilize your pelvis when you move.

    Here are some of our anti-fatigue exercises that you can easily do at home. Try to find a time of day when you can do them so that it becomes a routine. You can do these exercises throughout your pregnancy and even after giving birth - adapt the number of repetitions and sets to what you can handle!

    Tips for reducing joint pain:

    Stabilize your posture
    It is important to try to maintain good posture if you have problems with laminitis. Keep your feet parallel just below your hips, stand on both feet and make sure to distribute your weight over the whole foot. Stretch and aim for an even distribution of weight throughout your body. Keep your knees soft and your pelvis in a neutral position. Push your chest out so that you have a proud posture. Relax your shoulders. Stretch your neck so that it forms a straight line with the upper part of your spine.

    Short steps
    Shorter steps than usual tend to feel better for osteoporosis, so go slowly and take short steps when walking.

    Anti-fatigue belt
    A pelvic girdle is a good investment if you have a lot of problems with pelvic pain. You can wear it throughout the day, but it's particularly good for walking or doing light exercise.

    Acupuncture is something that many people find painful for pelvic pain. Ask your midwife for help!

    Knee exercises:

    Practicing squats is an investment in your future pelvic health. You need a strong pelvic floor during pregnancy, after childbirth and for the rest of your life.

    Let the 'zipper' become a routine. Start by squeezing the rectal sphincter. Continue squeezing forward, past the opening of the vagina and urethra and towards the pubic bone. Finally, lift the pelvic floor in the direction of the navel. Hold this tension for two seconds and then relax for two seconds before repeating.

    Start gently with little force when squeezing so that you work the right muscles. Do this exercise about 10 times, 3 times a day.

    Exercises to combat laminitis:

    Below are some strength exercises for the back and pelvis that can help with pelvic pain. Training the pelvic floor during pregnancy is always a good idea. If you can, you can do three sets of each exercise. Find opportunities to exercise in your everyday life, such as brushing your teeth or checking social media.

    A simple exercise to combat laminitis:

    1 Leg and arm stretching
    This exercise trains both mobility and strength. Remember to keep your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your spine and neck in a neutral position. Extend first an arm, then a leg. Keep your foot on the floor. Try to extend the opposite arm and leg at the same time. If you can, you can also lift the extended leg. Keep the rest of your body still. Repeat 10 to 15 times and do three sets if you can.

    2 hip lifts
    If you can lie on your back, this is a favorite exercise to train the important strength of the core muscles that stabilize the pelvis and reduce joint laxity. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet firmly on the floor, hip-width apart. Use your thighs, buttocks and pelvic floor strength to lift your pelvis towards the ceiling. Come down slowly. Repeat 5 to 10 times and three sets if you can.

    3 Mussels
    The clamshell exercise is a classic that builds strength in the muscles around the pelvis. Lie on your side with a neutral back and bent legs, keeping your feet in line with your back and your neck neutral. Use the upper hand to stabilize the hip. Lift the top knee towards the ceiling. Hold for 5 seconds. Lower slowly. Repeat 5 to 10 times. If the exercise feels light, you can use a rubber band to make it heavier.

    pelvic floor exercise

    Exercising for laminitis is something your body will thank you for even after pregnancy and childbirth - remember to take care of yourself!

    You can read our article on what osteoporosis is by clicking here.

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