Newborn baby? Here's what you need in the small pharmacy!

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    Newborn baby? Here's what you need in the small pharmacy!

    Sponsored by Apohem

    At the end of pregnancy, it's good to be as prepared as possible. Many parents-to-be start "nesting", packing the baby bag and preparing the small pharmacy. However, laying the foundation for the new family member can be easier said than done - where do you start and what do you need? Together with Nätapoteket Apohem, we have written this article to guide you on how to prepare the small pharmacy for your newborn baby.

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    'Booing' is a common practice among parents-to-be - it simply means preparing for a new family member. When you're settling in, there's a lot of focus on the home: washing the baby's first clothes, blankets and cuddly toys, organizing the room where the baby will sleep, and doing some extra cleaning to make it homely for the baby's arrival. Since there is already a lot to think about during pregnancy, it can be a good idea to write your own "bucket list" of what needs to be bought and fixed. On that list, you should also write down everything you need in your small pharmacy! These are products that are guaranteed to make the first time with a newborn baby easier. 

    For the little nose

    Many new parents can feel a bit lost about how to take care of their baby during colds. One product that makes things a lot easier and that should actually be part of your small pharmacy all year round is the Physiomier* nasal rinse. Made from 100 % natural sea salt water, it relieves runny and stuffy little noses, making it easier for your baby to breathe. It can also be used as a preventative measure, which is good, right? 

    Along with a nasal aspirator that acts as a hero for you to blow your baby, you have a full-scale kit to take care of that little nose. Remember that a fever thermometer is a great addition to this kit - a cold unfortunately rarely comes alone.

    *This is a CE marked medical device. Read the instructions for use carefully before use. 

    For the small stomach 

    Baby tummy troubles are common, but that doesn't mean they are easy to deal with - either as a baby or a parent. However, there are products to help alleviate the problem! Stomach drops are enriched with lactic acid bacteria to help your little one's stomach and intestines, and baby valves work wonders to relieve gas. Another trick to use is abdominal massage, ask for advice at the BVC and your midwife can teach you the technique.

    For the small body

    Imagine bathing in amniotic fluid in a dark and cozy womb for nine months, and then being born into dry air, cold versus heat in a dark room. completely new environment. No wonder baby's skin is sensitive in the early days! That's why it needs a little extra love and care, which you can easily provide by using fragrance-free products such as softening baby oil and moisturizing gentle creams. In addition, the little bum may need an anti-redness ointment, as diapers are also something new and strange for the newcomer. 

    The small hygiene products

    Other products that are invaluable in the early days are baby cotton buds, which are perfect for cleaning little ears, and nail scissors and nail files adapted for the little fragile nails. They will need a lot of care to avoid becoming too long and sharp. 

    apohem products to the smallest

    Here is the list of all the products you need:

    With the Little Pharmacy at Home, you can sit back, focus on your recovery and spending time with your new little family member!

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