Advertise on Facebook to the high-spending target group of parents of pregnant women and young children.

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  • 8 tips for getting into labour

    In the final stages of pregnancy, it can feel like time is moving at a snail's pace and the longing for baby is immense. So it's perhaps not surprising that there are a plethora of housewife tricks to get you into labour (even though...
  • 7 sure signs that birth is near

    The third trimester is tough in many ways, not least when it comes to patience. The uncertainty of when you will meet the little guy is very challenging! The truth is that we don't know why childbirth starts or exactly when,...
  • Getting your child to sleep in their own bed

    How do you get your baby to fall asleep, not wake up at night and when is it time for your baby to sleep in their own bed? Baby Journey tells you how to get your baby to sleep in their own bed! There are different...
  • Guide: how to take out pregnancy insurance

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar Taking out pregnancy insurance is something all pregnant women should do! And preferably as early as possible in the pregnancy as it must be taken out in order to be entitled to compensation if something unpredictable happens. Insurance can...
  • Sex life after childbirth

    Many pregnant women wonder when it is okay to have sex after giving birth. For some, it happens quickly and for others it takes longer. Having a baby is a big adjustment, and it is not at all uncommon for...
  • Exercising after childbirth: trimester four

    When you decide to start exercising after giving birth is entirely up to you. Recovery after pregnancy and childbirth is highly individual! Before you take the step to start activating your body again, it can be good to define what is meant...
  • Everything you need to know about buckwheat

    Are you ready to give birth? A bucket sweep is a way to help your body speed up the start of your labor - in a completely natural way! Is it really possible, you might ask? It is, but you will need to...
  • What is pelvic pain? - All about pelvic pain

    Pelvic pain during pregnancy is a common occurrence. When healthcare professionals talk about pelvic pain, they refer to it as pelvic pain or pelvic floor pain. So, what does laminitis feel like? When you're pregnant, your body's joints become more mobile, which is...
  • Pelvic floor exercise for pregnant women - Good exercises

    Have you experienced pelvic pain during your pregnancy? Pelvic pain is common but can be very painful and prevent you from living a normal life. However, there are exercises and pelvic floor exercises that can help relieve your pelvic pain during pregnancy...
  • High blood pressure = Hypertension

    During pregnancy, there is a risk of high blood pressure and organ damage, known as pre-eclampsia. In this article, we review and describe what preeclampsia is. High blood pressure (hypertension) during pregnancy occurs in Sweden in about eight...

    Advertise on Facebook to the high-spending target group of parents of pregnant women and young children.

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    Med tanke på mängden tid som spenderas i sociala medier är det värdefullt att nå ut med sitt budskap genom annonsering. Att annonsera på Facebook innebär många valmöjligheter, bland annat när det kommer till annonsformat då en annons på Facebook kan vara i form av en eller flera bilder, video eller som en animerad annons. För att nå målgruppen på ett träffsäkert sätt kan annonserna riktas mot specifika målgrupper baserat på demografi, intressen, beteende och geografisk plats. På Baby Journey sitter vi på insikter från appen som gör att vi kan anpassa och optimera målgrupper på Facebook med stor precision.

    Annonsera på Instagram 

    För blivande och nyblivna föräldrar är Instagram en härlig plattform att använda för att ta del av kunskap, nya insikter och såklart för att hitta inspiration. Många gravida och småbarnsföräldrar följer konton som experter står bakom, till exempel vårdpersonal, doulor och livscoacher, men de följer även influencers som öppet delar med sig av sin bebisresa.

    Produkter som är estetiskt tilltalande och går att visa upp visuellt lämpar sig särskilt väl för att annonsera med på Instagram, eftersom plattformen bygger på bilder och videos. Att annonsera på Instagram innebär att du annonserar genom Facebook Ads-plattformen. Annonserna syns antingen i flödet eller på utforska-fliken och kan vara utformade som inlägg eller en story-poster. När du annonserar på Instagram kan du nå specifika målgrupper baserat på beteenden och intressen, vilket innebär att användare som interagerar med innehåll inom graviditet, barn och familjeliv mest sannolikt är en intressant målgrupp även för er. 

    Annonsera på Youtube 

    Som blivande eller nybliven förälder är det vanligt att konsumera innehåll som förlossningsvideos och gender reveals på Youtube och av den anledningen spenderar målgruppen mycket tid på plattformen. Genom att annonsera på Youtube kan du nå den här målgruppen via annonsering i videoformat, där annonserna styrs efter intresse, beteende och demografi. Baby Journey har serien 20 snabba på Youtube och har stor erfarenhet av att skapa videos som tilltalar och engagerar gravida och föräldrar. Här kan du lära dig mer om våra rörliga produktioner!

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      In the final stages of pregnancy, it can feel like time is moving at a snail's pace and the longing for baby is immense. So it's perhaps not surprising that there are a plethora of housewife tricks to get you into labour (even though...
    • 7 sure signs that birth is near

      The third trimester is tough in many ways, not least when it comes to patience. The uncertainty of when you will meet the little guy is very challenging! The truth is that we don't know why childbirth starts or exactly when,...
    • Getting your child to sleep in their own bed

      How do you get your baby to fall asleep, not wake up at night and when is it time for your baby to sleep in their own bed? Baby Journey tells you how to get your baby to sleep in their own bed! There are different...
    • Guide: how to take out pregnancy insurance

      Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar Taking out pregnancy insurance is something all pregnant women should do! And preferably as early as possible in the pregnancy as it must be taken out in order to be entitled to compensation if something unpredictable happens. Insurance can...
    • Sex life after childbirth

      Many pregnant women wonder when it is okay to have sex after giving birth. For some, it happens quickly and for others it takes longer. Having a baby is a big adjustment, and it is not at all uncommon for...
    • Exercising after childbirth: trimester four

      When you decide to start exercising after giving birth is entirely up to you. Recovery after pregnancy and childbirth is highly individual! Before you take the step to start activating your body again, it can be good to define what is meant...
    • Everything you need to know about buckwheat

      Are you ready to give birth? A bucket sweep is a way to help your body speed up the start of your labor - in a completely natural way! Is it really possible, you might ask? It is, but you will need to...
    • What is pelvic pain? - All about pelvic pain

      Pelvic pain during pregnancy is a common occurrence. When healthcare professionals talk about pelvic pain, they refer to it as pelvic pain or pelvic floor pain. So, what does laminitis feel like? When you're pregnant, your body's joints become more mobile, which is...
    • Pelvic floor exercise for pregnant women - Good exercises

      Have you experienced pelvic pain during your pregnancy? Pelvic pain is common but can be very painful and prevent you from living a normal life. However, there are exercises and pelvic floor exercises that can help relieve your pelvic pain during pregnancy...
    • High blood pressure = Hypertension

      During pregnancy, there is a risk of high blood pressure and organ damage, known as pre-eclampsia. In this article, we review and describe what preeclampsia is. High blood pressure (hypertension) during pregnancy occurs in Sweden in about eight...

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