How to deal with infertility?

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    How to deal with infertility?

    A strong desire for children and the uncertainty of when that desire will be fulfilled can feel incredibly tough, challenging and unfair. Why is it so easy for some people to get pregnant, while others have to struggle for a long time? Often there is an explanation and help available, but in some cases there is no reason for the lack of a positive result.

    Why is it difficult to get pregnant?

    There are several factors why it can be difficult to get pregnant. In part, it can be related to age and lifestyle. It can also be linked to the sperm or uterus and the eggs. In some cases, no real reason is found for the failure to conceive. In these cases, the advice is simply to keep trying, or look at alternative ways to have a baby.

    When can you seek help for infertility?

    After a year of regular unprotected sex without getting pregnant, it is possible to seek help. You can go to a gynecological clinic, women's clinic or hospital infertility clinic. There, an investigation will begin with the aim of finding a cause for the infertility.

    Here you can read about involuntary childlessness at 1177.

    After an assessment, the doctor will suggest treatments based on the cause, such as ovulation stimulation, insemination or IVF. This may include ovulation stimulation, sperm insemination or IVF. Treatment may also include lifestyle changes, such as losing/gaining weight or quitting smoking.

    Is it difficult to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

    There are no studies showing that it is difficult to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. The body often adjusts quickly after a miscarriage, making it possible to become pregnant again within a few weeks.

    How to deal with infertility?

    There is no simple answer on how to deal with involuntary childlessness on your own. Having a strong desire for a child that is not being met will be stressful on many levels. It can feel good to tell your friends and family and also explain how you want to be treated in your desire for a child. By being honest with your loved ones about the support you need, you are more likely to get it.

    As a patient, you can get help on how to deal with infertility by talking to a counselor at your hospital or clinic. The counselor should be there to support you throughout the process.

    How do I seek help?

    If you want help to investigate involuntary childlessness, you can contact your nearest gynecology clinic. On 1177 you can easily find different gynecology clinics depending on which county you are in. You can also contact women's clinics or an infertility clinic at a hospital.

    Read more about infertility here.

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