How to get to know your newborn baby

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    How to get to know your newborn baby

    Leaving the delivery room and carrying a newborn baby into the home is a moment that many visualize during pregnancy. It's the start of a new chapter and a lot of everyday life will be about adjusting to the new life. But how do you really get to know your little new arrival? In this article, we'll tell you!

    Getting to know a newborn baby is largely about being responsive to its needs. Until you learn to distinguish between different sounds or recognize the baby's behavioural patterns, it can be tough. But it will take time, and it has to grow naturally. Just keep in mind that it will get easier the further into the relationship you both get!

    As well as being able to interpret your baby's needs, you need to have an idea of how babies communicate. They do this through their senses, just like adults, but in slightly different ways. Below we explain how!

    A newborn baby and its senses

    Feelings is fully developed from birth and this is strongly reflected in a newborn baby's need for closeness. Babies love to be carried and rocked because that's what it feels like to be in the womb. Plus, it's crowded and cozy! So many times, a dissatisfied baby might just be a baby that needs to be cuddled. And that's exactly what babies get by being skin-to-skin. Besides rocking in your arms (feel free to use a baby carrier or sling!), closeness can come in the form of a massage or spending extra time getting dressed and undressed, but also by being tucked into a cuddly place like the stroller.

    Sight is the least developed sense in newborns. They can initially see only about 20 centimeters away, but the best thing babies know is to look at faces. By being close and making eye contact, your baby can study your face. You create a sense of closeness and belonging.

    Even if your baby does not understand what you are saying, you can by talking give the feeling that you are socializing. This is important for the baby! Talk about what you do and what you see. You might get a little smile in return. At first it may be a reflex, but it can also be a way for the baby to communicate.

    Screaming is also a way for your baby to communicate. If you pay attention, you will eventually recognize the different types of crying and screaming of your baby. The different sounds can mean, for example, hunger, tiredness or need for closeness. Instinctively, you will know when it is time for food or if your baby has become overtired. But as I said: this understanding grows over time! One figure that tends to come up in the early days with babies is that parents guess wrong 50% of the time, so don't feel stressed if the feeling of guessing wrong comes up. You are not alone!

    After a couple of months, you've probably started to find your rhythm, and your baby is clocking more waking time and becoming more curious about their surroundings. Now you can start interacting on a new level and maybe even laugh together!

    Here you can read everything you need to know about infant massage.

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