Reach your audience with your message through Content Marketing

Baby Journey has a dedicated and experienced team that are experts in creating content that appeals to the target audience of pregnant women and families. With content such as video, podcasts, images, and native articles, we help you set the tone for your brand and create high-quality content that yields results.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic component of marketing to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain the audience's focus. In a strategic manner, you disseminate creative and appealing content that meets your audience at precisely the right moment.

Content marketing on Baby Journey is linked to app advertising and involves the production of various content such as YouTube series, podcasts, guides, and articles, among others. The content is published in our app and across various digital channels to provide maximum value to the consumer, in this case, your target audience!

This is how content marketing works on Baby Journey

The strategic work before, during, and after the production of content is of great importance. A well-developed content strategy ensures that the content achieves the desired effect and helps you achieve your goals. At Baby Journey, we make sure to define your goals and develop a content strategy and a successful concept targeting a specific audience based on them. We are with you throughout the entire process - from needs assessment, idea generation, concept development, strategy formulation, production, and activation. We are also here to help you distribute your content when needed.

Creative ideas are important, but knowing how to proceed and execute all steps in the process correctly is equally crucial. Our professional team of content experts utilizes an editorial approach and timing to develop the right stories for the right audience at the right time. We oversee the entire chain, determining which stories are produced in which format and where distribution occurs.

Creative content that tells your story

At Baby Journey, we specialize in content marketing. The whole idea is to create creative content that effectively communicates with your customers and provides value. With us, content can take various forms depending on what both we and you feel is best. 


Pregnant women and parents of young children often seek out relevant information presented in guides with helpful and reassuring advice. We assist you in creating engaging and informative guides or customized articles that your target audience will find highly useful.


Video productions are an excellent way to increase brand awareness and boost sales. For instance, we can create creative YouTube series or short video clips with text for social media. Let's brainstorm together!


A picture may not say more than a thousand words, but it says quite a lot. Images help to anchor the message in a text and engage the reader. Content accompanied by relevant images often drives more traffic.


With a podcast, you can speak directly to your target audience about a relevant topic and get the listener truly engaged. We handle all the production and editing of the podcast.

Always on towards a high spending target group

Our advertising solutions ensure continuous visibility to pregnant women and new parents. With a constant influx of new users, you are visible to new people every month and create tangible brand awareness with an engaged and affluent audience.


For those who want presence and visibility in the right context.


For those who want to make an impact with multi-channel advertising.


For those who want to influence and make a real impact.


We create tailor-made solutions based on your needs.


    For those who want presence and visibility in the right context.


    For those who want to make an impact with multi-channel advertising.


    For those who want to influence and make a real impact.


    We create tailor-made solutions based on your needs.

    Video production - a growing trend

    If you want to keep up with the latest trend in content marketing, you should invest in video formats, such as video clips, web series, and animated illustrations. We are here to develop the concept for your video production based on your brand's goals. We are experts in our target audience and know what type of content engages them.

    Why content marketing for your business?

    Creating valuable content is at the core of Baby Journey, and it's a powerful and cost-effective way to reach out, both to all our users and to the target audience. We have a complete team of editors, photographers, editors, and others needed for successful production.

    "We help you create valuable and
    entertaining content for your target audience."

    Denise Ticoalu
    Campaign Manager, Baby Journey

    Want to know more?

    Artillerigatan 16

    114 52 Stockholm

    Baby Journey


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