10 creative ways to share your pregnancy this Christmas

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    10 creative ways to share your pregnancy this Christmas

    Christmas is a magical time filled with joy, love and surprises - the perfect time to share the big news of your pregnancy! Here are 10 fun and memorable ways to share your pregnancy during the festive season, whether it's on Christmas Eve or at a Christmas party.

    The Christmas gift with the big news

    Wrap a small gift with a baby body, an ultrasound photo or a pacifier and give it to a family member. Write something like: "For Grandma/Grandpa" or "See you in June!". The reaction is guaranteed to be magical like Christmas!

    The Christmas card with extra joy

    Send Christmas cards to your loved ones with a picture of you holding a hand over your stomach and a personalized text like: "Merry Christmas to the three of us!". Or even more subtle: "Christmas will be extra special for us this year..."

    Decorate the tree with a surprise

    Hide a specially designed Christmas bauble with the text: "Baby on the way - July 2025". Let the family discover the ball themselves while admiring the tree! Ask the family to go a little extra close and look closely if they don't inspect the tree well enough.

    Set the table with an extra envelope

    During Christmas dinner, you can put an extra plate at the table or a small glass of milk/water bottle by the Christmas drink. When someone asks who it's for, reply with a smile: "Our new little addition!"

    Matching Christmas sweaters

    Get a Christmas sweater with the text: "We're expecting a little elf", or wear matching sweaters and hide or hang a mini version somewhere where your guests can find it and figure out what it's all about!

    The Advent calendar with a twist

    If you have an advent calendar, fill one of the gaps with an ultrasound photo or a small note revealing the pregnancy. Perfect if you want to reveal the news when the family least expects it! If you take your pregnancy test on your own and want to reveal it to your partner around Christmas, this could be a perfect surprise way too!

    The secret Christmas trick

    Write a rhyme on a Christmas present and make it a clue. See who can figure out the news first! If you want, you can write the rhyme on a Christmas present that also reveals the news, for example a cup that says "To the best grandma/grandpa/uncle/aunt in the world" wrapped in the package with the rhyme.

    The photo that says it all

    During a group picture you can say something like: "Okay, everyone say: We're having a baby!" Once people realize what you've said, their reactions will be priceless - and captured on camera!

    Baby-themed dessert

    Bake Christmas cookies with little clues such as baby spoons, baby bottles or the text "Baby 2025" written in icing. Let the dessert speak for itself! You can serve this on Advent as well as on Christmas Eve.

    A package for the baby under the tree

    Place a gift under the tree with a label that says: "For the baby - opens July 2025". When someone sees the package, you can reveal the news with a big smile.

    Whichever way you choose to share your happy news, it's sure to bring warmth and laughter during Christmas. Make it a memorable moment that both you and your loved ones will carry with you forever. Don't forget to take photos and videos of the reactions you get from your loved ones - they will be memories for life. Merry Christmas and congratulations on your new little elf!

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