This is child insurance

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    This is child insurance

    Sponsored by Länsförsäkringar

    Many people think that children are adequately protected in case of illness or accidental injury - but children actually need their own insurance! Here we explain how children's insurance works and why you should get it as early as possible.


    Länsförsäkringar is there so that you and your loved ones can feel safe, no matter what turns life takes. Here you can read more about Länsförsäkringar's child insurance.

    Protect your child as much as you can!

    You've been given the most important job in the world and an exciting future awaits that will make you laugh, cry and bubble with pride. Being a parent means constantly making decisions to ensure your child grows up safe and secure. One such important decision is the question of child insurance! But what exactly is child insurance and why is it needed?

    When and why should I buy child insurance?

    Child insurance is an important financial support if your child is seriously injured or becomes seriously ill. Buy child insurance as soon as possible after the baby is born and you leave the maternity ward - as insurance only covers injuries and illnesses that occur after you have bought your policy. The sooner the better, and the child insurance will then help you financially in case of injury or illness.

    What happens if a child is not insured?

    A child living in Sweden is entitled to benefits from the public welfare system, but the amounts paid are small. For example, a child who never enters the workforce due to illness or injury may have to live on low monthly costs - and child insurance can help. Neither your home insurance nor your school insurance will fully cover accidental injuries or illnesses - that's where children's insurance comes in to provide financial support and security.

    If my child gets sick or injured

    If a child suffers an illness or an accidental injury, the child and the family can receive a financial boost to help them cope, including if your child is diagnosed, when a lump sum can be paid as financial support.

    How long is child insurance valid?

    Your child insurance with Länsförsäkringar is valid up to the age of 25!

    What does child insurance cost?

    There are different amounts of insurance that you can take out on your child insurance, but an approximate price is somewhere between 1 500 - 2 900kr. If you take out your child insurance after you have had Pregnancy Insurance (betal), you will receive discount!

    What is meant by a sum insured and how should you think about it?

    There are different insurance amounts, and at Länsförsäkringar you can read about the amounts and make a decision that suits your family. The insurance amount does not affect all benefits from the insurance, but it determines, for example, what benefit you can receive if your child becomes disabled or eventually cannot work fully.

    3 quick tips:

    • Read up during pregnancy to be well prepared when it's time to get the insurance
    • If you are two parents, discuss together to decide which amount of insurance to choose
    • Buy as soon as you can after the baby is born!

    Visits Länsförsäkringar today!

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