Easter food - what can you eat if you are pregnant or breastfeeding?

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National Food Agency

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    Easter food - what can you eat if you are pregnant or breastfeeding?

    Verified by

    National Food Agency

    Do you have an Easter table booked with family or friends this year? Then it's good to know what you can and cannot eat! Here we have collected everything you should avoid on the Easter table if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    The Easter table usually contains a lot of cheese and charcuterie, something you should be careful with when you're pregnant. That's why we want to make it easy for you to keep track of what you can and cannot eat. Note that the advice for breastfeeding women only applies to herring and herring! Everything else is free for the taking. Happy Easter!

    Easter foods that pregnant women should avoid or watch out for this Easter:

    - Smoked or gravad fish that is vacuum packed
    Smoked or gravad fish that is vacuum packed may contain listeria, and should be eaten within a week of the date of packaging.

    - Charcuterie or pâtés
    Cold cuts or pâtés can also contain listeria. However, if they have been cut from a whole piece just before serving, they are perfectly safe to eat when pregnant.

    - Cold scrambles containing smoked or gravad fish, soft cheese or cured meats
    These cold tubes can contain both listeria and toxoplasma, so you should avoid them if you are pregnant.

    - Dried and cold smoked meat
    Examples of dried and cold smoked meats are Parma ham, medvurst and salami. They can all contain toxoplasma. If you're really hungry, you can actually freeze these for three days, as any bacteria will die and it's okay to eat!

    - Mold and mildew cheeses
    It doesn't matter whether mouldy and putty cheeses are made from pasteurized or unpasteurized milk, they can contain harmful levels of listeria. However, hard cheeses made from unpasteurized or pasteurized milk can be eaten during pregnancy, as can spreadable fresh cheeses and processed cheeses. Any cheese that has been heated in an oven is also safe to eat.

    - Herring and herring
    Both Baltic herring and herring can contain dioxins and PCBs, so they should not be eaten more than 2-3 times a year if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. This applies to Baltic herring and herring from the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia. Pickled herring on the Christmas table is often fished in the Atlantic Ocean and is fine to eat!

    Do you know all the fish you should and should not eat during pregnancy? This article will guide you! 

    What is toxoplasma?

    Toxoplasma is a parasite that is usually transmitted through meat. If you have a compromised immune system, you are particularly susceptible to toxoplasma, and if you are pregnant, toxoplasma can harm the fetus. Toxoplasma can also infect animals, often cats, so if you are pregnant and have an indoor cat, you should avoid contact with the cat's feces, in other words: let someone else empty the box if you have the opportunity.

    What is listeria?

    Listeria is a bacterium that can multiply without oxygen and is not limited by cold, hence it is difficult to keep these bacteria down. Listeria can contaminate food, especially certain ready-to-eat refrigerated products such as long-life gravad and smoked fish.

    What are dioxins and PCBs?

    Dioxins and PCBs are formed when chemicals are produced in various processes and have been widely released into the environment. We can ingest dioxins and PCBs through the food we eat, mainly from animal-based foods. High levels of these environmental pollutants are found in fish from contaminated areas such as the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Bothnia, Lake Vänern and Lake Vättern. Pregnant women are therefore advised not to eat fish from these areas.

    Source: National Food Agency

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