17 tips to relieve your morning sickness

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    17 tips to relieve your morning sickness

    Sometimes nausea can follow you throughout your pregnancy, but it is most common in the early stages. For some it is manageable and for others it is much worse. If you feel that your pregnancy nausea is getting in the way of your everyday life, there are several tricks you can try to alleviate it! They may not help completely, but at least a little?

    Pregnancy nausea is common and is due to the hormones in the body that change during pregnancy. Usually the nausea goes away on its own after a few weeks, but not always. Most commonly, the nausea passes when you enter the second trimester, but this is not necessarily the case for everyone. If the nausea is stressful, there are some home remedies you can try, but there is no guarantee that these will help. But what's the harm in trying? Here are the tips to relieve your nausea!

    If you suffer from extreme morning sickness, you may have been affected by Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

    17 tips for relieving morning sickness in pregnancy

    1. Eat something small as soon as you wake up, preferably before you get out of bed. Nausea tends to be worse on an empty stomach.
    2. You can also eat something small before going to bed at night to counteract the low blood sugar in the morning (which can lead to nausea)!
    3. Fatigue can contribute to increased nausea. Take every opportunity to sleep, rest and recover.
    4. Drink plenty of fluids. This is especially important if you are vomiting!
    5. If you haven't tried acupuncture before, it may be worth trying, as some people find that it relieves nausea.
    6. Aim to eat small portions often rather than larger portions rarely.
    7. Avoid coffee and black tea as they stimulate stomach acid.
    8. Choose boiled food over fried as it is kinder to the stomach.
    9. By avoiding stress it is possible to relieve nausea (this can be particularly difficult if you already have children or work a lot, but try!)
    10. Motion sickness bracelets can trigger points on the wrist that relieve nausea. You can also try massaging the inside of your wrist yourself!
    11. Fatty foods and strong spices should be avoided as they can trigger nausea.
    12. Carbonated drinks can have a soothing effect on nausea, try sparkling water and see if it helps.
    13. There is some research showing that vitamin B6 supplementation can help with nausea!
    14. Eat small portions often! Something small every two hours is better than three full meals a day.
    15. Staying cool tends to help with nausea at its worst. Try sleeping with the windows open and wearing cool clothes. Rinsing your hands and wrists in cold water also helps.
    16. Some pregnant women find that motion sickness tablets help, which you can buy over the counter.
    17. If none of the above helps, you can try prescription medication for the nausea. Check with your midwife and she will help you with this.

    Finally: Dare to change your routines, such as eating breakfast and lunch at certain times, and let your mood guide you instead. Anything goes when you're pregnant and feeling sick! If you feel that you have tried everything and nothing helps, you can always go to your midwife for support and help.


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