Newborn baby: 4 months

Verified by

Matilda Ördell

Paediatric nurse

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    Newborn baby: 4 months

    Verified by

    Matilda Ördell

    Paediatric nurse

    A lot happens when your baby turns 4 months old! The little ones are more receptive to routines now and you may notice a clearer rhythm in their sleep, plus it's time to start the food journey with taste sensations.

    Baby development at 4 months

    Little ones' motor skills are improving and getting stronger. Now some children can hold their upper body up on their arms for a little while in the prone position, perhaps rolling from back to side or vice versa, and consciously start to grab things and bring them to their mouth. Everything should be tasted! Children put everything and anything in their mouths because they use their mouths to explore different objects. 

    Your little one is likely to be awake for longer periods each month and for some it may be time to start finding routines in food and sleep now. Perhaps you already have some routine on what times involve food, sleep and play? 

    Baby sleep at 4 months

    By 4 months of age, most babies have a total sleep requirement of around 12-17 hours per day, with around 3-4 sleeps usually occurring during the day. As babies become more alert, they also take in more impressions that need to be processed. This makes sleep particularly important now, and it can sometimes be the culprit when babies are sad or unhappy. Look for signs of tiredness before it turns into overtiredness. It could be that your little one is playing a little less intensely, scratching their eyes or face, or wanting to be held or carried. Starting to create routines around sleep can usually help to keep sleep at bay. 

    What happens at the BVC?

    From now on, BVC visits will take place approximately once a month instead of every two weeks. But remember that you can always consult your BVC nurse when questions arise or if you need help with anything.

    At the 4-month visit, as always, you will check height, weight and head circumference. Then it's time to talk about the introduction of flavor sensations! 

    This visit is often aimed at the partner, who is offered the opportunity to talk about how you are doing at home and how you are feeling. If the partner is not able to come, it is not compulsory, but it is encouraged by the BVC. 

    Taste sensations and taste portions

    Now begins a whole new chapter - the food journey! At four months of age, you can start to give small taste sensations to help your little one experience new flavors. This builds up to taste portions later on. Even if your baby is very interested in food, introducing it too quickly can upset their tummy, so for now it's best to start slowly to give them plenty of time to get used to it!

    Let your baby taste all sorts of different flavors right from the start. When you give taste sensations, it can be a small dollop of puree on your finger or on a small, flat spoon. During this period, breastfeeding or formula feeding is still the baby's main meal, so flavorings should not replace any meals. 

    Remember: Learning to eat food should be fun! If your child is not very interested, don't force anything but take it at your pace. 

    Here you can read about baby development at five months!

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