Pelvic pain: information & tips for relief

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    Pelvic pain: information & tips for relief

    During pregnancy, the body's joints become more mobile, because the pelvis needs to expand during childbirth to let the baby through. The pelvis then becomes more mobile and you can get pain in connection with this, then it is common to suffer from pelvic pain. Here's how we look at what pelvic pain is and how you can relieve it.

    pelvic pain, or symphyseolysis in medical language, is common during pregnancy and is harmless to both the pregnant woman and the fetus. A doctor or physiotherapist can diagnose you with pelvic pain. The pelvis has joints and ligaments that hold the bones together in the pelvis. Most people experience pain over a joint at the symphysis, in the middle of the pubic bone, and over two areas at the back of the lower back (the SI joints).

    How does pelvic pain feel?

    The Hormone Network Relaxin secreted during pregnancy and formed in the ovaries and placenta. Relaxin softens the joints and makes the pelvic joints more mobile to allow the baby to pass through during childbirth. It's a clever idea, but pelvic instability can be incredibly painful. Sometimes pelvic pain can limit your daily activities. Pelvic pain can be difficult to relieve completely, but you can help by exercising the muscles around the joints to stabilize the pelvis. It is best to seek the help of a physiotherapist, preferably someone with in-depth knowledge of women's health - ask at the MVC to get the right help. Some physiotherapists can also give you acupuncture for pain relief, which tends to help many people who get pelvic pain when they are pregnant.

    All pregnant women can experience pelvic pain, but the risk increases if you have had back pain, pelvic injuries or heavy lifting in the past. The amount of pelvic pain you may experience depends largely on how active you are during the day. Often you will have more pain in the evening if you have moved a lot during the day.

    13 tips to prevent pelvic pain:

    - Try not to sit with your legs crossed
    - Take shorter steps than normal
    - Walk at a slow pace
    - Exercise muscles around the pelvic joints
    - Try to keep a straight posture in the lower back (do not slouch)
    - Wear comfortable shoes
    - If you sleep on your side, have a pillow between your knees so that your pelvis is not compressed
    - Pelvic girdle for miscarriages! Pelvic belts are often used to help many people with pelvic pain and can be bought from a physiotherapist
    - Take a hot shower
    - Go for a massage
    - Use a TENS unit
    - acupuncture
    - Heating pad

    If the pain does not go away after childbirth:

    Pelvic pain usually goes away after childbirth, but not for everyone. If your postpartum pain persists, meaning that you have pelvic floor pain even after your pregnancy, it is important that you seek help to heal and improve your pelvic floor. Ask your midwife or contact your healthcare provider to get the right help!

    Read also our article on exercises for pelvic pain here.

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